Do You Feel Safer In The 10 Years Since 9/11?
An interactive poll using Google Maps technology asks the question “Do you feel safer in the 10 years since 9/11?” The responses are shown on the map with the answer and the location of the person who responded. Of the total votes taken so far, most say they do not feel safer.
Even more interesting is that for each vote a discussion thread is created along people to clarify their answers and others to ‘debate’ them.
What about you? Does the active war on terror, heightened security measures, TSA rules, death of Osama Bin Laden or any of the policies and changes since September 11 made you feel better? If not, do you think that was the point all along? If it was and you don’t feel safer then who won then, now and going forward?
How would you vote and why?
Jaylon Carter is a blogger, social media marketing consultant, former Congressional Campaign Media & Communications Director, national labor union vice block leader, and a Hip Hop artist who performs under the stage name Timid (@timidmc).
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