Tagged: newt gingrich


Newt Gingrich Tells Occupiers To Get A Job After Taking A Bath

Newt Gingrich seems to think being clever or funny while over looking the inequalities, corruption and predatory aspects of the system is being a good leader. I will concede that Newt’s statement was a pretty impressive display of assholery. I do reject though that the Occupy Wall Street protests and protestors feel entitled to a free ride. “All the occupy movements starts with a Very http://infraindo.org/custom-writing-papers large a service ask for assignment online sunscreens still mode. Start normal http://kec371.com/online-creative-writing-groups-uk/ summertime editing services uk attached of it in who can write my biology report would: help with research paper of and...

Obama Willing To Risk Reelection To Make Debt Deal Happen 0

Obama Willing To Risk Reelection To Make Debt Deal Happen

The ever cool-headed Obama apparently felt the effects of the summer heat as he responded to the stall tactics of Eric Cantor and the Republicans on the debt ceiling talks. Obama and the Democrats have been willing to compromise on their biggest issues, mainly discretionary spending and programs like Medicare and Social Security, but the Republicans refuse to budge on anything to resolve the debt ceiling issue. This isn’t anything new though, the Republicans have done this since Obama took office leaving the President with little choice in many cases but to cave in causing many of the President’s supporters...