Why You Shouldn’t Care If Google+ Deletes Your Profile
In the last few days Google
has deleted a massive amount of Google+ accounts, the newest hotshot social network on the block from the search giant, for a violation of their Community Standards Policy. Google+ only wants your real name, no pseudonym accounts. In this mass removal of umm what, month old accounts at the longest, people have gone into an uproar. In some cases, like those where Google doesn’t realize that odd spelling of a name is actually their real name, their furor is justified. In those cases, where it was an aka or internet screen name, I say so what.
I say this for two reasons, the first being the account holders own fault. Everyone knows that you have to use your real name with a Google+ account. If you went in knowing full well that was the case but decided to use a pseudonym anyway, that’s on you. If you want to be or feel you need to be on that social network you should have followed the rules. Sure they could have and should have handled it a bit better but it’s Google, they are notorious for that behavior, ask anyone banned from Adsense with no recourse or way to contact anyone. This is also different than if they changed the rules after you’ve been a user. Do I agree with the rule, not at all, this is the internet usernames were born here (think of the awesome creativity of usernames you’ve seen). If you think Google+ should change then launch your movement to try to sway them otherwise but don’t go in and break their rules then feel a bit emo when they enforce them, regardless of how silly they are.
The second reason is that it’s just a social network, it’s not the end of your life. The reason the public, customers and consumers are constantly losing the battle between themselves and business they spend their money and time with is because the perception is skewed. Business need you not the other way around. Google+ needs users to be successful. Sure they reached the 10,000,000 user mark in their first weekend and looks to be in for a successful ride but you don’t have to be there. It’s not a life necessity to be on Google+. People have become so confused between the reality of needs and wants. Of course, we all use these networks to keep in touch with friends and families but Google+ isn’t even fully open yet it’s still in closed beta, everyone you know isn’t on there yet. So what if the network won’t let you on, it’s really no big loss, it’s just a social network.
Removed but restored through influence is Limor Fried – AKA Lady Ada / Adafruit Industries: She was recently featured on the cover of WIRED Magazine.
Her profile has since been restored due to her influence and because being on the cover of Wired makes her better than you. You won’t be afforded such a courtesy I assure you. Another person snared in the sting was ex-Google employee Kirrily “Skud” Robert who was forced to provide identification documentation to get his account back. He has since started a database of people who has been locked out of their accounts; using Google Docs ironically.
We all have to remember that it’s not that serious. Remember your Myspace account that you couldn’t live without? When was the last time you were on there? You still have your friends, you still have your family. Grab your phone and call them or email them or better yet meet up with them. It’s not the end of the world.
Like I said, I don’t like the idea of being forced to use your real name on a social network it further opens you up for privacy and possible safety violations. To even have a Google+ account you must have a public Google profile. I can see why they want to do this and it’s not in the spirit of sharing and socialization etc. It’s so they can fill up their information file on you and have your real name attached to it, it’s a data mining tactic to ultimately serve more customized advertisement to its users. The anonymity of the internet used to allow people to create a new persona for themselves even if it now is used just to say “First!” or “Fake and gay!” In. Every. Thread. Everywhere. Advertising is Google’s bread and butter, I understand that, I don’t see the need to have the profile public for the rest of the world to see though I digress.
The point is, social networks need users, users do not need social networks. If you want to use a screen name you have options. Google+ is the new kid on the block not the only kid on the block, play with someone else. So if Google+ deletes your account, shrug your shoulders and say…
Jaylon Carter is a blogger, social media marketing consultant, former Congressional Campaign Media & Communications Director, national labor union vice block leader, and a Hip Hop artist who performs under the stage name Timid (@timidmc).
Really nice article with good content i like to read